Derana Dictionary


සමානාර්ථ පද​​ : labor , employment , advantage , use , utility , benefit , seeadvantage
Law    බාරදීම
n    සේවාව
st    සේවා
n    සේවය
Soc    රාජකාරිය
n    මේවර
n    මේ
n    මෙභෙවර
n    මෙභෙය
n    බැළ
n    අත්පා මෙභෙය
n    පූජාව
n    ප්‍රයෝජනය
n    තේවාව
n    කෑම ඇරීම
n    කටයුත්ත
n    උපස්ථානය
n    උපකාරය
n    ආවතේව
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ඔහු හමුදා සේවයෙන් නිදහස් කර ඇත.
He is exempt from the military service.

ආපනශාලාව ස්වයං සේවයයි.
The cafeteria was self-service.

සේවා ගාස්තුව අතිරේක වේ.
The service charge is extra.

මෙම සේවාව තාවකාලිකව අක්‍රිය වී ඇත.
This service is temporarily out of order.

බස් සේවා වාර ගණන වැඩි කළ යුතුය.
Bus service must be increased in frequency.

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  ඉංග්‍රීසි තේරුම්:

(noun) - the performance of duties by a waiter or servant
(noun) - periodic maintenance on a car or machine
(noun) - the act of delivering a writ or summons upon someone
(verb) - make fit for use
(noun) - (sports) a stroke that puts the ball in play
Derana English to Sinhala Dictionary & Glossary is a feature rich dictionary which is developed by the support of the Sinhala community. Derana dictionary consists of more than 300000 definitions. Technical terms from medicine, science, law, engineering, accounts, arts and many other sources can be found in this this dictionary Some additional features of this dictionary are pronunciations, listing most used word at the beginning, and relevant sentences for additional reference (beta). Transliteration facilitates to type Sinhala unicode in an easy manner. Derana dictionary is the first dictionary in this caliber for Sinhala language. Please rate results and improve the sentence base by suggesting improvements.