Derana Dictionary


fjkia wlaIr úkHdi :   fkdue​;
st   sea pig
st   sea hulver
st   sea
st   sea acorn
st   sea adder
st   sea anchor
st   sea ape
st   sea apple
st   sea arrow
st   sea bank
st   sea barrow
st   sea bass
st   sea bat
st   sea bean
st   sea bear
st   sea beast
st   sea bird
st   sea blite
st   sea bow
st   sea boy
st   sea breach
st   sea bream
st   sea brief
st   sea bug
st   sea butterfly
st   sea cabbage
st   sea calf
st   sea canary
st   sea captain
st   sea card
st   sea catfish
st   sea cat
st   sea chart
st   sea chickweed
st   sea coal
st   sea cob
st   sea cock
st   sea cocoa
st   sea colander
st   sea colewort
st   sea compass
st   sea coot
st   sea corn
st   sea cow
st   sea crawfish
st   sea crayfish
st   sea crow
st   sea cucumber
st   sea dace
st   sea daffodil
st   sea devil
st   sea dog
st   sea dotterel
st   sea dove
st   sea dragon
st   sea drake
st   sea duck
st   sea eagle
st   sea eel
st   sea egg
st   sea elephant
st   sea fan
st   sea feather
st   sea fennel
st   sea fern
st   sea fight
st   sea fir
st   sea flewer
st   sea foam
st   sea fowl
st   sea froth
st   sea gauge
st   sea gherkin
st   sea girkin
st   sea ginger
st   sea girdles
st   sea god
st   sea goddess
st   sea goose
st   sea gown
st   sea grape
st   sea grass
st   sea green
st   sea gudgeon
st   sea gull
st   sea hare
st   sea hawk
st   sea heath
st   sea hedgehog
st   sea hen
st   sea hog
st   sea holly
st   sea holm
st   sea horse
st   sea jelly
st   sea kale
st   sea king
st   sea laces
st   sea lamprey
st   sea language
st   sea lark
st   sea lavender
st   sea lawyer
st   sea legs
st   sea lemon
st   sea leopard
st   sea letter
st   sea lettuce
st   sea level
st   sea lily
st   sea lion
st   sea loach
st   sea louse
st   sea mantis
st   sea marge
st   sea mat
st   sea maw
st   sea mew
st   sea mile
st   sea milkwort
st   sea monk
st   sea monster
st   sea moss
st   sea mouse
st   sea mud
st   sea needle
st   sea nettle
st   sea onion
st   sea ooze
st   sea orange
st   sea otter
st   sea owl
st   sea pad
st   sea partridge
st   sea pass
st   sea peach
st   sea pear
st   sea perch
st   sea pheasant
st   sea pie
st   sea piet
st   sea pigeon
st   sea pike
st   sea pincushion
st   sea pink
st   sea plover
st   sea poacher
st   sea poker
st   sea pool
st   sea poppy
st   sea porcupine
st   sea pork
st   sea pudding
st   sea purse
st   sea purslane
st   sea pye
st   sea pyot
st   sea quail
st   sea rat
st   sea raven
st   sea reed
st   sea risk
st   sea robber
st   sea robin
st   sea rocket
st   sea room
st   sea rover
st   sea salmon
st   sea salt
st   sea sandpiper
st   sea sandwort
st   sea saurian
st   sea scorpion
st   sea scurf
st   sea serpent
st   sea slater
st   sea slug
st   sea snail
st   sea snake
st   sea snipe
st   sea spider
st   sea squirt
st   sea star
st   sea surgeon
st   sea swallow
st   sea tang
st   sea term
st   sea thief
st   sea thongs
st   sea titling
st   sea toad
st   sea trout
st   sea trumpet
st   sea turn
st   sea turtle
st   sea unicorn
st   sea urchin
st   sea wall
st   sea whip
st   sea widgeon
st   sea willow
st   sea wing
st   sea withwind
st   sea wolf
st   sea woodcock
st   sea wood louse
st   sea wormwood
st   sea wrack
st   sea amenone
st   sea clam
st   sea fox
මුහුදේ දසුනක් දැකීමට මම දුක් වෙමි.
I ache for a sight of the sea.

මට මුහුදේ නෑමට අවශ්‍යයි.
I want to bathe in the sea.

එම බූවල්ලා ආහාරයට නොගෙන මුහුදට පැමිණියහ.
That octopus returned to the sea without being eaten.

මම ජීවත් වෙන්නේ මුහුද ආසන්නයේ නිසා මම නිතරම මුහුදු වෙරළට යනවා.
I live near the sea so I often go to the beach.

සීතල සුළඟ මුහුදෙන් හමා යයි.
The cold wind is blowing from the sea.

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