Derana Dictionary


fjkia wlaIr úkHdi :   uqÆ
adj   aggregate
adj   collective
a   entire
Acc   gross
n   group
n   meeting
n   section
Law   total
a   undivided
a   whole
ඔහුගේ සංගීතය මුළු රටම ව්‍යාප්ත කරයි.
His music is sweeping the whole country.

ඇගේ මුළු මුදල්ම ඇඳුම් සඳහා වැය කිරීමට වඩා ඇය හොඳින් දනී.
She knows better than to spend all her money on clothes.

ඇගේ සුන්දරත්වය නම් මුළු පාසලම අගය කිරීමයි.
Her beauty is the admiration of the whole school.

ඔහු මුළු රාත්‍රිය පුරාම පරීක්‍ෂණය සඳහා බඩගාමින් සිටියේය.
He spent all night cramming for the test.

විශාල ගින්න මුළු නගරයම අළු බවට පත් කළේය.
The big fire reduced the whole town to ashes.

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Derana English to Sinhala Dictionary & Glossary is a feature rich dictionary which is developed by the support of the Sinhala community. Derana dictionary consists of more than 300000 definitions. Technical terms from medicine, science, law, engineering, accounts, arts and many other sources can be found in this this dictionary Some additional features of this dictionary are pronunciations, listing most used word at the beginning, and relevant sentences for additional reference (beta). Transliteration facilitates to type Sinhala unicode in an easy manner. Derana dictionary is the first dictionary in this caliber for Sinhala language. Please rate results and improve the sentence base by suggesting improvements.